Sunday, October 3, 2010

Fresh Start

Do you ever ask the question. "What happened to the time?" I'm sitting here in my jammies and wondering where the month of September went. I know I was living and breathing, but everything is a blur. School started, a new class of kindergartner's got their first experience in a new, larger world of doors, rooms, large bodies, crowded halls, noise, and schedules. New teachers set up classrooms, books were checked out for the first time, homework went home, lunches were made, phone calls were answered, children were lost and then found, and everything had a hum that sometimes was pleasant and other times annoying. A new start of the school year is both exciting and overwhelming for everyone. A fresh start feels the same way. The old month gives way to the new and with it, it's own hum complete with swells, pitch, and energy. October will settle in, having found a footing in September, and we will start a more leisurely rhythm. Those kindergarteners have learned how to get from point A to B, the new teacher has survived the first hectic days and is planning for first conferences, many of the questions about lunches, buses, and schedules have been answered, and a routine is forming in the homes of families. Hopefully, October will be more of a saunter rather than a sprint. After all, we have nine more months until the finish line. I hope your fresh starts are energizing and help you with the longer journey ahead.

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