I am not disciplined and hate pushing myself to do something. That's what trying to write creatively feels like right now. Struggling with the control freak in me to let loose and see what happens is HARD. The child who may have once had a free spirit has been stiffled and conformed for way too long. I want to let her out and loose on the page. Writing on a daily basis seems insurmountable right now. All the words that I want to flow onto the pages are held behind a stockade built by work and the dreaded priorities. Hopefully, when school gets started and I don't have to think of all the minutae of getting things set up, the gates will open again and I will be able to step out and dance in creativity again.
One of the blogs I've been following said to write something--don't take your fingers off the keys. Well, that is what has happened in this one, for sure. Not pretty, not great, but the fingers did not come off and I wrote something today that had nothing to do with work.
You are a beautiful writer Pam! I like you am not disciplined hence the infrequent blog posts. Keep up the good work! Love you.