Saturday, August 28, 2010

Saturday Mornings

Ahh...sleeping in until the cat begins his subtle pats to my face and his non-stop treble of a purr. Saturday mornings are a day to snuggle in the warm bed of the night before, let my mind drift and reflect upon my now hazy dreams, and do NOTHING. There is security in the sheets, so to speak. You haven't been bombarded by the day's agenda and you are drifting between the two worlds of sleep and awake. It is a gentle time and a slower pace.

Even when I do put feet to floor, the cadence of the time snuggling stays with me. A sip of coffee, and leisurely breakfast with fresh, hot pancakes and syrup, staring out the window to gauge the weather for the day. All are unhurried and unfettered by schedules and lists. I wish I could take the feelings of a Saturday morning into the week. Life would be slower and more reflective. Who knows, maybe more meaningful things would be accomplished.

Friday, August 27, 2010

New Habit

I am not disciplined and hate pushing myself to do something. That's what trying to write creatively feels like right now. Struggling with the control freak in me to let loose and see what happens is HARD. The child who may have once had a free spirit has been stiffled and conformed for way too long. I want to let her out and loose on the page. Writing on a daily basis seems insurmountable right now. All the words that I want to flow onto the pages are held behind a stockade built by work and the dreaded priorities. Hopefully, when school gets started and I don't have to think of all the minutae of getting things set up, the gates will open again and I will be able to step out and dance in creativity again.

One of the blogs I've been following said to write something--don't take your fingers off the keys. Well, that is what has happened in this one, for sure. Not pretty, not great, but the fingers did not come off and I wrote something today that had nothing to do with work.

Monday, August 23, 2010


Today was a bit of a disconnect for me. It started calmly enough with a leisurely morning...sleeping in, time to actually curl the hair instead of putting it in a pony tail, and a nice drive to our annual office managers meeting. The hours missed at school trickled away and the more the meeting drug on, the more disconnected I felt. The lists in my head became jumbled and out of order. I needed to connect with my school and all that was going on to get ready for meetings and hundreds of kids and their families who would eagerly flood the hallways and classrooms in a few days. This time of year is usually like that for me. The rhythm of summer is so much more leisurely and free of the urges to "connect" with lists and projects. It takes awhile to get to the free flowing rhythm and the connected state of mind of the school year again. In the end, I really do like the ebb and flow, the  hysteria and unbalance that the new school year brings is brief. It always "connects" by October and then, like the seasons, the rhythm is established and I am balanced once again.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Recently my best friend Mishele taught me how to make a little beaded bracelet. You have to understand, I have a bit of crafting ADHD. I glom onto something and dizzily want to spend hours for a few days and then I get distracted with something writing a blog. Anyway, the time learning to bead was fun, but the real value was in the way two friends could sit quietly while creating. Occasionally, there would be words, but the comfort came from knowing that the other was there. The beads represented our shared moments filled with encouragement in hard times, laughter and silliness, and companionship that has survived long separations and distance. I'll probably remember Mishele everytime I make a bracelet and treasure our day on the porch. It will be catalogued with many others and it will circle my heart much like the finished bracelet.