Saturday, January 1, 2011

To Don't List

Well, right about now everyone will be making their New Year Resolutions. I've certainly made my share over the last 62 years. Maybe not 62, but you know what I mean. Anyway, I'm making a "To Don't List" instead. See if there is anything on this list that you can use or add your own.

  1. Don't waste energy on negative thoughts.
  2. Don't lose myself in thoughts about tomorrow...give today my best shot.
  3. Don't forget to laugh at myself and enjoy myself and others.
  4. Don't pass up an opportunity to smile at someone.
  5. Don't forget to listen.
  6. Don't fill my loneliness with to a friend.
  7. Don't forget that everything is temporary...good and bad, and God will get me through it all.
I plan on putting one of these into practice a day...thus my seven "don'ts". I figure that in the course of 52 weeks I will have succeeded in all seven by the end.

Okay--now it is your turn. Share your list with me and others. Have a good one and remember to enjoy the moments. Happy 2011!